What is the Internet and all that ...?


The Internet is the delivery vehicle. It can take a file from one computer and move it to another computer. It understands addresses for computers.

WWW = World Wide Web:

The WWW adds to that the ability to specify the location of a file, its "type", and how to read it.

File Types:

WWW supports a wide variety of digital data:

Ways to read files:

WWW is compatible with other systems and services:


Netscape, Mosaic, HotJava, are programs that you run on your own computer (Mac, PC, etc) that give you a window to access WWW files and to simplify viewing the files in a way that is appropriate to each: display text as text, launch a viewer (e.g. Quicktime) for a video, launch a player for audio, store a program on your disk so you can run it, etc.