DIMACS Research & Education Institute
DREI 1998
Graph Theory and Combinatorial Optimization
List of Faculty Organizers & Staff

July 20-August 7, 1998


Linda Lesniak, DREI '98 Program Director and Research Program Director, Drew University, llesniak@drew.edu

Ron Gould, DREI '98 Research Program Chair - week 1, Emory University, rg@mathcs.emory.edu

Ralph Faudree, DREI '98 Research Program Co-Chair - week 1, University of Memphis, rfaudree@mathsci.msci.memphis.edu

Robin Thomas, DREI '98 Research Program Co-Chair - week 2 and week 3, Georgia Tech, thomas@math.gatech.edu

Paul Seymour, DREI '98 Research Program Co-Chair - week 2 and 3, Princeton University, pds@math.princeton.edu

Zsolt Tuza, DREI '98 Research Program Co-Chair - week 3, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, tuza@sztaki.hu


Glenn H. Hurlbert, DREI '98 Education Program Director, Arizona State University, hurlbert@asu.edu

Henry (Hank) Kepner, DREI '98 Education Program Coordinator, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, kepner@uwm.edu

Nancy Eaton, DREI '98 Education Program Guest Lecturer, University of Rhode Island, eaton@cs.uri.edu

Ruth Haas, DREI '98 Education Program Guest Lecturer, Smith College, rhaas@math.smith.edu

Garth Isaak, DREI '98 Education Program Guest Lecturer, Lehigh University, gi02@CS4.Lehigh.EDU

L. Charles (Chuck) Biehl, DREI '98 Lead Teacher, The Charter School of Wilmington, bieh9435@dpnet.net

Ethel Breuche, DREI '98 Lead Teacher, breuche@dimacs.rutgers.edu

Patrick (Pat) Carney, DREI '98 Lead Teacher, The Montclair Kimberley Academy, pcarney@dimacs.rutgers.edu


Fred S. Roberts, DREI '98 Principal Investigator, DIMACS, froberts@dimacs.rutgers.edu

Joseph G. Rosenstein, DREI '98 Steering Committee Member and Associate Director for Education at DIMACS, joer@dimacs.rutgers.edu

Elaine P. Foley, DREI '98 Program Administrator, DIMACS, (732) 445-4631, Fax: (732) 445-5932, elaine@dimacs.rutgers.edu

DREI '98 Home

Date Revised: May 28, 1998