DIMACS 1996-2000 Special Year on Networks: Overview

DIMACS will continue its Special Focus program on Networks through August 2000. This Special Year brings together researchers and practitioners in a wide variety of fields connected to the common theme of "Networks" and ranging from questions of infrastructure to ones of applications. Special emphasis is placed on Internet-related topics, as this is a young and growing area where theoretical computer science and discrete mathematics have a chance to make a real impact.

The Special Focus is concentrating on four overlapping areas:

Our goal is to engage theoreticians with these problems and foster communication between them and real-world practitioners. Practitioners have much to tell theorists about what the key issues are, and theorists may themselves be able to provide crucial insights and solutions to practitioners.

Most workshops are structured so as to include both theorists and practitioners, with the practitioners being drawn both from the systems side of academia and from a broad spectrum of industry, including key support from three of the industrial partners in DIMACS (AT&T Labs - Research, Bell Laboratories, and Telcordia Technologies (formerly Bellcore).

There is an active visitor program, including long and short-term visitors, both at the official DIMACS locations on the Rutgers and Princeton campuses and at the industrial partners.

Seminar series and Distinguished Lecturer series also rotate among the sponsoring institutions. And of course there have been many workshops, of varying durations, from quickly-planned one day get-togethers on fast-breaking topics to more elaborate week long conferences on broader subject areas.

For additional information, contact the organizers:

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Document last modified on June 7, 1999.