DIMACS TR: 99-34

A Cost Upper Bound for Spanning Trees Connecting Faces of a Planar Subdivision

Authors: Greg Perkins and Diane Souvaine


Let $M$ be a set of $m$ distinct points and $N$ a set of $n$ line segments in the plane where the relative interiors of all line segments are disjoint and no $p_i \in M$ lies upon any $s_j \in N$. Define the cost of a spanning tree $T$ of $M$ as the number of intersections which occur between the edges of $T$ and the line segments of $N$. This paper proves that for any $M$ and $N$ there always exists a (non-Steiner) spanning tree $T$ with cost $< 2n - 1$. Furthermore, we show that $T$ always exist such that each line segment in $N$ is cut at most twice by the edges of $T$ and that the $2n-1$ bound is tight.

Paper Available at: ftp://dimacs.rutgers.edu/pub/dimacs/TechnicalReports/TechReports/1999/99-34.ps.gz
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