DIMACS Workshop on Codes and Trees: Algorithmic and Information Theoretic Approaches

October 5 - 7, 1998
DIMACS Center, CoRE Building (Room 431), Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ

Mordecai Golin, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Computer Science Department golin@cs.ust.hk
Julia Abrahams, Rutgers University, DIMACS abrahams@dimacs.rutgers.edu
Presented under the auspices of the DIMACS Special Year on Massive Data Sets.

Co-sponsored by DIMACS and the IEEE Information Theory Society.

Call for Participation:

We welcome contributed presentations and additional attendee participation. If interested in being included in the program, send a title and abstract of no more than one page to the organizers by email by August 31, 1998.
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Document last modified on August 13, 1998.