DIMACS Workshop on Computational Issues in Genetic Epidemiology

August 21 - 22, 2008
DIMACS Center, CoRE Building, Rutgers University

Andrew Scott Allen, Duke University, andrew.s.allen at duke.edu
Ion Mandoiu, University of Connecticut, ion at engr.uconn.edu
Dan Nicolae, University of Chicago, nicolae at galton.uchicago.edu
Yi Pan, Georgia State University, pan at cs.gsu.edu
Alex Zelikovsky, Georgia State University, alexz at cs.gsu.edu
Presented under the auspices of the DIMACS/BioMaPS/MB Center Special Focus on Information Processing in Biology.

This special focus is jointly sponsored by the Center for Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science (DIMACS), the Biological, Mathematical, and Physical Sciences Interfaces Institute for Quantitative Biology (BioMaPS), and the Rutgers Center for Molecular Biophysics and Biophysical Chemistry (MB Center).

Workshop Program:

Thursday, August 21, 2008

 7:30 -  8:20  Breakfast and Registration

 8:20 -  8:30  Welcome and Opening Remarks
               Fred Roberts, DIMACS Director

 8:30 -  9:15  I'm not sure I'm Agnostic: Incorporating "Known" Biology into 
               Analysis and Interpretationof Genome-wide Association Studies
               Peter Kraft, Harvard University

 9:15 - 10:00  Use of Empirical Kinship Matrices in Whole Genome Case-Control Studies 
               of Disease in Stratified Populations 
               Daniel Stram, University of Southern California
10:00 - 10:30  Break

10:30 - 11:00  Things to know when using Affymetrix 6.0
               Mariza de Andrade, Mayo Clinic

11:00 - 11:30  A Constrained Regression Approach for Studying
               Haplotype-Specific Effects
               Jung-Ying Tzeng, North Carolina State University

11:30 - 12:00  Fast and Robust Association Tests for Untyped SNPs in
               Case-Control Studies
               Michael Epstein, Emory University

12:00 -  1:30  Lunch

 1:30 -  2:00  Computational Investigation of Gene Regulation
               Sridhar Hannenhalli, University of Pennsylvania

 2:00 -  2:30  Mathematical Structure and Optimization Approaches to
               Haplotyping Problems
               Daniel Brown, University of Waterloo
 2:30 -  3:00  Inference of Complex Genealogical Histories In Populations 
               and Its Application in Mapping Complex Traits
               Yufeng Wu, University of Connecticut 

 3:00 -  3:30  Break

 3:30 -  4:00  Multi-SNP Association Mapping using Bayesain Regression and
               Shrinkage Priors
               Yongtao Guan, University of Chicago

 4:00 -  4:30  On a Method to Estimate the Number of Unseen Variants in the 
               Human Genome
               Iuliana Ionita, Harvard University

 4:30 -  5:00  Linkage Disequilibrium Based Single Individual Genotyping
               from Low-Coverage Short Sequencing Reads
               Justin Kennedy, University of Connecticut
 5:30          Dinner at DIMACS

Friday, August 22, 2008

 7:45 -  8:30  Breakfast and Registration

 8:30 -  9:15  New Haplotype Sharing Method for Genome-Wide Case-Control
               Association Studies Implicates Gene for Parkinson's Disease
               Glen Satten, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

 9:15 - 10:00  Calibrating the Performance of SNP Arrays for Whole-Genome Association Studies
               John Storey, Princeton University
10:00 - 10:30  Break

10:30 - 11:00  The Genetics of Quantitative Traits: what has Changed since 
               R.A. Fisher?
               Chiara Sabatti, UCLA

11:00 - 11:30  Increasing Power in Association Studies by using Linkage Disequilibrium
               Structure and Molecular Function as Prior Information
               Eleazar Eskin, UCLA

11:30 - 12:00  Genome-Phenome Association: Computational Challenges and new Algorithms
               Eric Xing, Carnegie Mellon University 
12:00 -  1:30  Lunch

 1:30 -  2:00  Estimating Local Ancestry in Admixed Populations
               Eran Halperin, International Computer Science Institute

 2:00 -  2:30  Whole Population, Genomewide Mapping of Hidden Relatedness
               Itsik Pe'er, Columbia University
 2:30 -  3:00  Inferring Ancestry Efficiently in Admixed Populations
               Sivan Bercovici, Technion

 3:00 -  3:30  Reconstructing Sibling Relationships from Microsatellite Data
               Tanya Berger-Wolf, University of Illinois at Chicago 

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Document last modified on August 20, 2008.