DIMACS Working Group on Challenges for Cryptographers in Health Data Privacy

June 30, 2004
DIMACS Center, CoRE Building, Rutgers University

Benny Pinkas, HP Labs, benny.pinkas at hp.com
Kobbi Nissim, Microsoft Research, kobbi at microsoft.com
Presented under the auspices of the Special Focus on Communication Security and Information Privacy  and
Special Focus on Computational and Mathematical Epidemiology.

Workshop Program:

Wednesday, June 30, 2004

 8:15 -  8:50 Registration and Breakfast

 8:50 -  9:00 Welcome and Opening Remarks
              Fred Roberts, DIMACS Director

 9:00         Topics related to secure computation 
              Benny Pinkas, HP Labs

 9:00 -  9:30 A short introduction to secure computation (presentation) 

 9:30 - 10:30 Discussion: 
              (1) Identifying functions of interest for healthcare applications
              (2) Modeling the adversary

10:30 - 11:00 Break

11:00         Query auditing

11:00 - 11:15 Online query auditing (short presentation) 
              Kobbi Nissim, Microsoft Research

11:15 - 11:30 Offline query auditing (short presentation)
              Tomas Sander and Bill Horne, HP Labs 

11:30 - 12:15 Discussion 

12:15 -  1:30 Lunch

 1:30         Topics related to data sanitization

 1:30 -  2:00 A short introduction to data sanitization (presentation) 
              Larry Cox, CDC

 2:00 -  3:00 Discussion:
              (1) Definitions of a privacy breach
              (2) Modeling the adversary

 3:30 -  4:00 Break

 4:00         Discussion: Should we explore the relation of the following 
              technologies to privacy of health care data?
              (1) DRM (Digital Rights Management)
              (2) Private Inference Control
              (3) Association rule hiding

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Document last modified on June 18, 2004.