DIMACS Workshop on Computers in Scientific Discovery III

February 6 - 9, 2006
Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium

Gunnar Brinkmann, Ghent University, Gunnar.Brinkmann@UGent.be
Patrick W. Fowler, University of Sheffield, P.W.Fowler@sheffield.ac.uk

Organizing Committee:
Arnout Ceulemans, Mel Janowitz, Martine Labbé, Hadrien Mélot

Local Organizing Committee:
Kris Coolsaet, Veerle Fack, Adriaan Peeters,
Ghent University

Presented under the auspices of the Special Focus on Data Analysis and Mining and the Research Foundation Flanders (FWO).

Call for Participation:

Please register your interest in participating by sending an email to Gunnar Brinkmann before 15 June, 2005. If you also wish to offer a talk, please send a title for consideration by the organising committee. In keeping with the workshop character of the meeting, the number of participants will be restricted to about 50 and the total number of talks to 25. A feature of the workshop will be moderated discussion sessions with brief presentations of ideas and points for debate. The proposed overall themes for three (parallel) sessions are: mathematics/conjecturing, chemistry/software, bioinformatics/education.

The total amount of funding for the workshop is still under discussion with the sponsoring institutions, but we can already state that some (limited) support will be available for travel and accommodation costs of speakers. There is no registration fee and all registered participants are invited, free of charge, to the Conference Dinner.

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Document last modified on July 15, 2005.