DIMACS Working Group on Genetics and Evolution of Pathogens

November 24 - 25, 2003
DIMACS Center, CoRE Building, Rutgers University


Zhilan Feng, Purdue University, zfeng@math.purdue.edu
Presented under the auspices of the Special Focus on Computational and Mathematical Epidemiology.

Sponsored by the Burroughs Wellcome Fund and the National Science Foundation.

The main purpose of this meeting is to bring together international leaders and active researchers working in areas related to the modeling, simulation and analysis of the evolution of pathogens, to explore more effective approaches to dealing with challenges in understanding the evolution of infectious agents when epidemiology is coupled with ecology and/or genetics. The topics include mathematical/statistical/computational approaches to modeling transmission dynamics of multiple strains; impact of control strategies on the evolution of an infectious agent (e.g., virulence, drug-resistance); multiple time-scales in coupled systems; population genetics/population biology of both parasites and hosts. The focused diseases include malaria, tuberculosis, influenza, and other infectious diseases for which more is known about their evolution.
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Document last modified on August 21, 2003