DIMACS Workshop on Organizing and Moving Data in Parallel Computers

January 26-28, 1994
Princeton University, Princeton, NJ

Christos Kaklamanis, DIMACS, kakl@dimaes.rutgers.edu
Kai Li, Princeton University, E@princeton.edu
Greg Plaxton, U. Texas- Austin, plaxton@cs.utexas.edu
Abhiram Ranade, UC-Berkeley, ranade@cs.berkeley.edu
Presented under the auspices of the Special Year on Massively Parallel Computing

Data organization and the minimization of unnecessary data movement are two central issues in computer science. These issues become all the more important in the context of parallel computation, since processors in a parallel computer must frequently exchange program data as well as coordination information. On all existing machines, as well as those deemed feasible for the near future, communication is expensive, and minimizing communication is critical to achieving high performance.

Subject areas covered will include routing, sorting, hierarchical memory, cache coherence, and I/0 issues in parallel computers. The workshop will provide an opportunity for architects, language and operating systems designers, and theoreticians to discuss recent and forthcoming advances on these issues in massively parallel computers.

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