DIMACS/PORTIA Working Group Meeting on Privacy-Preserving Data Mining

March 17, 2004
DIMACS Center, CoRE Building, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ

Cynthia Dwork, Microsoft, dwork at microsoft.com
Benny Pinkas, HP Labs, benny.pinkas at hp.com
Rebecca Wright, Stevens Institute of Technology, rwright at cs.stevens-tech.edu
Presented under the auspices of the Special Focus on Communication Security and Information Privacy, and the PORTIA project.

The working group follows a related workshop on March 15 and 16, 2004.

This workshop and working group will bring together researchers and practitioners in cryptography, data mining, and other areas to discuss privacy-preserving data mining. The workshop sessions on March 15 and 16, 2004 will consist of invited talks and discussion. March 17, 2004 will be a "working group" of invited participants to identify and explore approaches that could serve as the basis for more sophisticated algorithms and implementations than presently exist, and to discuss directions for further research and collaboration.

Both the workshop and working group will investigate the construction and exploitation of "private" databases, e.g.

In a wide variety of applications it would be useful to be able to gather information from several different data sets. The owners of these data sets may not be willing, or legally able, to share their complete data with each other. The ability to collaborate without revealing information could be instrumental in fostering inter-agency collaboration.

Particular topics of interest include:

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Document last modified on December 17, 2003.