- Founding Director -- Daniel Gorenstein
- Director -- Rebecca Wright
Mission Statement
The Center for Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science
(DIMACS) catalyzes and conducts research and education in
mathematical, computational, and statistical methods, algorithms,
modeling, analysis, and applications.
DIMACS is a joint project, whose direct participants are Rutgers
University, Princeton University, AT&T Labs - Research, NEC Laboratories America, Nokia Bell Labs and Vencore Labs. DIMACS was
founded in 1989 with a prestigious "science and technology center" award from the National Science Foundation to create a center for the advancement
of science and technology with a national scope. DIMACS also receives
significant funds from the six participating institutions and from
partners at Avaya Labs, Georgia Institute of Technology, IBM
Research, Microsoft Research, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, and Stevens Institute of Technology, as well as from other
federal sponsors. It is also home to the Command, Control, and Interoperability Center for Advanced Data Analysis (CCICADA), a Department of Homeland Security University Center of Excellence. The principal administrative offices are located at Rutgers University's Busch campus in Piscataway, NJ.
DIMACS is devoted to the development of the interrelated fields of discrete
mathematics and theoretical computer science and their applications. These are among the most
rapidly growing fields of research in mathematics and computer science, and
have wide applications to problems in fields such as telecommunications,
networking, transportation, engineering, and cryptanalysis, as well as biology,
chemistry, management, and decisionmaking. DIMACS is concerned with both
the theoretical development of the fields represented and their practical
The research programs of DIMACS are carried out with the aid of approximately
320 scientists from the six collaborating institutions who form the permanent
members of the Center, plus a large number of senior and junior scientists
from other academic institutions and industry and government, as well as
postdoctoral fellows and graduate students.
DIMACS Activities include:
- research conferences and workshops
- visiting scientists
- activities for high school teachers and students
- special focus programs, concentrating on specific topics
- technical reports and other publications
DIMACS Home Page
Alphabetical Index of DIMACS Web Pages
Contacting the Center
Document last modified on December 20, 2017.