DIMACS Graduate Student Awards Page - Student-Initiated Research Projects

Local Graduate Students (Rutgers and Princeton) are encouraged to propose student initiated projects and apply for funding. Applications for projects or jobs you come up with should indicate an activity of DIMACS to which you would like to tie your project, for example one of the special foci or one of the educational programs at the center, or indicate why you think DIMACS and you will benefit from the project or job you propose. We usually announce competitions for these projects in November (for December/January projects) and April (for Summer projects). Funds available will support a research project by providing modest pay or books or software.

Preference will be given to projects that are related to current DIMACS Special Focus topics and projects. DIMACS Research projects include: Sensor management for nuclear detection (http://dydan.rutgers.edu/Research/Nuclear); Algorithms for port security (http://dimacs.rutgers.edu/Workshops/PortofEntry/); Algorithmic decision theory ; Data analytics (http://ccicada.rutgers.edu) ; and projects related to our new Command, Control, and Interoperability Center for Advanced Data Analysis (CCICADA) (http://ccicada.rutgers.edu). Applications in other areas will be accepted and awards will be made as funding permits.

Application deadline: For Winter 2009-2010 awards, applications are due no later than Wednesday, November 18, 2009.

Please use the attached form to submit an application.

We also have opportunities for non-local students (outside Princeton and Rutgers) to enable them to participate in the life of the center. Non-local students can participate through our Graduate Student Fellowship Program for Non-local Students and through Graduate Student Stipends to Attend Workshops.

If you have any questions about this program, please contact Isha Deen-Cole at DIMACS

Application Procedure

Application for DIMACS Winter 2009-2010 Graduate Student Program

Student Data:

All participating institutions are equal opportunity/affirmative action employers.

DIMACS Homepage
Contacting the Center
Document last modified on November 10, 2009.