DIMACS Postdoctoral Associateships:

DIMACS, the Center for Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, invites applications for postdoctoral positions at the center. DIMACS is a consortium of Rutgers, Princeton University, Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs, Applied Communication Sciences, AT&T Labs - Research, Cancer Institute of New Jersey, NEC Laboratories America, and Yahoo Labs. Research and education activities at DIMACS focus on areas such as algorithms, combinatorics, complexity, privacy and security, computational algebra, discrete and computational geometry, discrete optimization, and graph theory. A primary activity of the center is to sponsor focused research programs on specific topics of current interest, such as one of the DIMACS special focus programs or multidisciplinary research initiatives. Open positions for the 2014/2015 academic year include the joint DIMACS/IAS postdoc and a Cybersecurity postdoc.

Applications are due December 1, 2013 for full consideration, but will be accepted at any time. More details and application process.

The Command Control and Interoperability Center for Advanced Data Analysis (CCICADA) seeks qualified applicants for a postdoctoral research position that will emphasize evaluation of devices to thwart nuclear terrorism. CCICADA is a U.S. Department of Homeland Security National University Center of Excellence in research and education based at the DIMACS Center at Rutgers. CCICADA does independent research in advanced data analysis, optimization, machine learning and risk management related to terrorism and to natural hazards. Examples of CCICADA projects include risk assessment of regional flooding; optimal allocation of Coast Guard boat resources; studies of alerts and warnings using social media; security planning and assessment for sports venues and other security measures. Starting date is expected to be some time in January 2015.

Applications are currently being accepted, until the position is filled. More details and application process.

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Document last modified on November 12, 2012.