DIMACS Graduate Student Projects and Jobs for Students
from Princeton and Rutgers: Descriptions
The following projects have been proposed by DIMACS
Graduate Students at Rutgers and Princeton are eligible to
Please fill out the application form at
Graduate Student Projects
and Jobs and include the project number listed below.
- Project Number: 00-2
- Posting Date: April 27, 2000
- Proposer: Fred S. Roberts, Director of DIMACS, froberts@dimacs.rutgers.edu
- Supervisors: Fred S. Roberts (Director of DIMACS), B.R. Badrinath (Rutgers University, Department of Computer Science and WINLAB), S. Muthukrishnan (AT&T Labs) and Joan Feigenbaum (AT&T Labs)
- Category: Research project or Job: Job
- Title of Project or Job: Ubiquitous Computing/Fine-grained Security/Self-configuring Neworks/Adhoc Networks
- Description (a few sentences): The student will research recent work in ubiquitous computing, adhoc networking, self-configuring networks, and fine-grained security. Research will include such technologies as Bluetooth and
The job will be to identify research problems that need to be
tackled. Part of the job will be to identify those problems that are
likely to be tackled by industry and to indicate those that government
should support either because industry will not be doing it or because
they are so important that government should not just leave it to the
private sector.
The product of this job will be a report describing the problems identified.
The student will work under the direction of researchers at DIMACS,
WINLAB, and AT&T Labs.
The job offers a unique opportunity to learn about exciting new
probles, study under reseachers knowledgeable about these important
fields and to identify problems that the student might work on later.
- Required Background:
Some knowledge of these topics, in particular
wireless and networking, is important. Good writing skills.
- Time Requirements: The project should be carried out in June and July.
- Proposed Type of Award: We will pay two months salary for this job.
- Deadline to Apply: Send in a paragraph describing your qualifications for the job, together with a letter of recommendation from a faculty member and a transcript to Christine Spassione at spassion@dimacs.rutgers.edu .
- Project Number: 00-1
- Posting Date: February 2, 2000
- Proposer: S. Muthukrishnan, AT&T Labs, muthu@research.att.com; B. Badrinath, Rutgers Universtiy, badri@cs.rutgers.edu; M. Adler, University of Massachusetts, micah@cs.umass.edu
- Category: Research project or Job: Job
- Title of Project or Job: Part-time Job at DIMACS: Next Generation Networks Technologies and Applications
- Description (a few sentences): DIMACS is looking for a graduate student or students to assist in preparing reports on major open problems and future directions concerning next generation networks technologies and applications.
The student will attend our workshops and/or "summer school" lectures, take notes during those sessions devoted to open problems and future directions, and help prepare a brief tow to three page report on each event.
The topics of the workshops include managing digital intellectual property, data processing on the web, and multimedia streaming on the Internet. The "summer school" will be concerned with theoretical computer science issues arising from problems of wireless/mobile computing.
- Required Background:
Relavent background, if possible.
- Time Requirements: Part-time.
- Proposed Type of Award: Salaried, based on hourly work.
- Deadline to Apply: As soon as possible. Please contact Christine Spassione at spassion@dimacs.rutgers.edu for the application form.
Previously posted projects and jobs are listed at:
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Last modified February 6, 2001