DIMACS Events Calendars:

Monthly Events

DIMACS Monthly Calendar is updated regularly. It has information on seminars, distinguished lecturers, workshops, and education events at the Center's sites at Rutgers and Princeton.

Workshop Calendar

The DIMACS Workshop Calendar has information about all scheduled workshops sponsored by the center. Announcements, programs, registration information and lodging and travel information can be found there.

Distinguished Lecturers

The Distinguished Lecturer Series of talks are scheduled in conjunction with the Center's Special Year Programs.

DIMACS Sessions at National Events

DIMACS organizes and participates in sessions at national conferences. This section lists some recent and upcoming programs.

To Submit information for Calendars ...

Please send event information to DIMACS Publicity Coordinator at publicity@dimacs.rutgers.edu. Include the type of event, affiliations with special year or other programs, dates, location, titles of talks, etc.

How to subscribe/unsubscribe to the DIMACS Publicity Email lists.

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Contacting the Center
Document last modified on May 12, 2004.