Friday, January 15, 1999
2:30 -- 5:20 Papers from the Sixth DIMACS Challenge on Near-Neighbor Searches in High-Dimensional Spaces
Those who with to attended the Challenge Workshop will be asked to register as participants of ALENEX'99. Registration is $90. Please use the web-based Registration Form to register.
(Attendance at SODA'99 is purely optional for those who are interested).
Room Rates for ALENEX 99:
Single/Double: $105, Triple: $125, Quad: $145. Be sure to mention
ALENEX or SIAM/SODA when making your reservation, as the hotel
has set aside a block of rooms for ALENEX and SODA beginning on the
evening of January 14, 1999.
For more information about the conference location, please see the Omni Inner Harbor Hotel Web Site.
Implementation Challenge papers will not be a part of the ALENEX proceedings, rather they will appear as a refereed volume of the AMS-DIMACS book series at a later time.
Important Reimbursement Information
Attendees who have been offered support should keep two rules in mind. Reimbursement for air travel can only be made for travel on US Flag Carriers, REGARDLESS OF COST. (For example, travel on airlines such as United, Continental, USAir, and others that are United States based are allowable. Travel on airlines such as Lufthansa, SAS, Air Canada and other airlines based outside the US cannot be reimbursed by DIMACS.)
The second rule to keep in mind is to get original receipts for all reimbursable expenses.
DIMACS Implementation Challenges.