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February 1997

Date Location Event
2/4 Rutgers University DIMACS Discrete Math/Theory of Computing Seminar
Speaker: Shiyu Zhou, Bell Laboratories
Title: Undirected s,t-connectivity is in DSPACE(log^{4/3} n)
4:30pm, DIMACS Center, CoRE Building, Seminar Room 431, Rutgers University
2/5 AT&T Labs, Murray Hill, NJ AT&T Weekly Seminar on Quantum Computation and Quantum Error Correction
Speaker: Eric Rains, AT&T
Title: Bounds for quantum codes Part I: Additive codes
2:00pm, AT&T Murray Hill Building, Room: 2D-101
NOTE: If you are not from the MH building, you should send email to Andre Berthiaume (berthiau@research.att.com) to confirm your presence so that visitor badges can be prepared in advance.
2/7 Princeton University DIMACS Princeton Theory Lunch Seminar
Speaker: Sampath Kannan, University of Penn.
Title: Maximum Likelihood Reconstruction of Phylogenies
12:05 PM (lunch will be served at 11:45 AM), Room 402, Computer Science Building, 35 Olden St., Princeton University
2/8 Rutgers University Young Scholars Program
See: http://dimacs.rutgers.edu/ysp
Contact Joseph G. Rosenstein joer@dimacs.rutgers.edu, or Valerie Debellis debellis@dimacs.rutgers.edu for further information about the program.
9:00am - 4:00pm, SERC, 2nd Floor, Busch Campus, Rutgers University
2/10 Bellcore, Morristown, NJ DIMACS Third Event in the Mixer Series
See: http://dimacs.rutgers.edu/Events/1997/Titles/1997/Mixer2.10.html
1:20pm, Bellcore, Morristown, NJ
Those wishing to attend the mixer should send mail (by February 7) to Dan Boneh (dabo@bellcore.com), so that badges can be prepared.
For further information about the mixer, contact Mona Singh (mona@cs.princeton.edu).
2/11 Rutgers University DIMACS Discrete Math/Theory of Computing Seminar
Speaker: Gabor Tardos, Institute for Advanced Study
Title: Is linear hashing good?
4:30pm, DIMACS Center, CoRE Building, Seminar Room 431, Rutgers University
2/12 AT&T Labs, Murray Hill, NJ AT&T Weekly Seminar on Quantum Computation and Quantum Error Correction
Speaker: Eric Rains, AT&T
Title: Bounds for quantum codes Part II: Quantum Weight Enumerators
2:00pm, AT&T Murray Hill Building, Room: 2D-101
NOTE: If you are not from the MH building, you should send email to Andre Berthiaume (berthiau@research.att.com) to confirm your presence so that visitor badges can be prepared in advance.
2/13 Rutgers University DIMACS Seminar on Math and CS in Biology
Speaker: Golan Yona, Institute of Computer Science, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel
Title: Global self organization of all known protein sequences reveals inherent biological signatures
11:00am, DIMACS Center, CoRE Building, Seminar Room 431, Rutgers University
2/13 Princeton University Princeton Discrete Math Seminar
Speaker: Endre Szemeredi, Rutgers University
Title: Embedding theorems in extremal graph theory
4:00pm, Fine Hall 224, Princeton University
The time and day of the seminar have been changed. This semester it will meet on Thursdays at 4:00.
2/14 Princeton University DIMACS Princeton Theory Lunch Seminar
Speaker: Andrew Goldberg, NEC Research
Title: Hot Priority Queues
12:05 PM (lunch will be served at 11:45 AM), Room 402, Computer Science Building, 35 Olden St., Princeton University
2/14 Rutgers University DIMACS Special Year on Networks Seminar
Speaker: Dahlia Malkhi, AT&T Labs - Research
Title: Quorum Systems for Insecure Environments
2:00pm, DIMACS Center, CoRE Building, Seminar Room 431, Rutgers University - NOTE CHANGE OF LOCATION FOR THIS TALK
2/18 Rutgers University DIMACS Discrete Math/Theory of Computing Seminar
Speaker: Felix Labeznik, University of Delaware
Title: Extremal Graph Theory: Old problems and New Results
4:30pm, DIMACS Center, CoRE Building, Seminar Room 431, Rutgers University
2/20 Princeton University Princeton Discrete Math Seminar
Speaker: Peter Shor, AT&T Labs
Title: Quantum Computing
3:00 p.m. - PLEASE NOTE CHANGE OF TIME AND PLACE - Fine Hall 214, Princeton University
2/21 Princeton University DIMACS Princeton Theory Lunch Seminar
Speaker: Santosh Vempala, CMU and Yale
Title: Sampling lattice points of polytopes
Contact: Sanjeev Arora (arora@cs.princeton.edu)
12:05 PM (lunch will be served at 11:45 AM), Room 402, Computer Science Building, 35 Olden St., Princeton University
2/21 AT&T Labs, Murray Hill, NJ DIMACS Special Year on Networks Seminar
Speaker: Rebecca Wright, AT&T Labs - Research
Title: Probabilistic Quorum Systems
2:00pm, AT&T Labs, Murray Hill Building, room 6B-101
Note: Visitors not from the MH building should use the MAIN ENTRANCE, and call Mike Reiter, phone number 5424, to let them in. Since entering the MH building takes time, visitors are requested to arrive no latter than 1:45pm.
Host: Mike Reiter
2/27 Rutgers University DIMACS Seminar on Math and CS in Biology
Speaker: Teresa Przytycka, Johns Hopkins University
Title: Transforming Rooted Agreement Subtree Algorithms into Unrooted Agreement
11:00am, DIMACS Center, CoRE Building, Seminar Room 431, Rutgers University
2/27 Princeton University DIMACS Princeton Theory Lunch Seminar ** Note Change in Day **
Speaker: Ming-Yang Kao, Duke University
Title: Reducing Randomness via Irrational Numbers
Contact: Sanjeev Arora (arora@cs.princeton.edu)
12:05 PM (lunch will be served at 11:45 AM), Room 402, Computer Science Building, 35 Olden St., Princeton University
2/27 Rutgers University DIMACS Special Year on Focus and Discrete Probability Seminar
Speaker: Dave Wilson, UC Berkeley
Title: Exact Sampling with Markov Chains
3:30 - 4:30pm, CoRE Building, Room 431, Busch Campus, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ
2/28 Rutgers University DIMACS Special Focus on Discrete Probability Distinguished Lecture Series
Speaker: Jacob van den Berg, CWI, Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
Title: Percolation, mixing and coupling
11:30 a.m. (Refreshments will be served at 11:15 a.m.), DIMACS Center, 1st Floor Auditorium, CoRE Building, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ
2/28 AT&T Labs, Murray Hill, NJ DIMACS Special Year on Networks Seminar
Speaker: Naftaly H. Minsky, Dept. of Computer Science, Rutgers University
Title: Unified Support for Heterogeneous Security Policies in Distributed Systems
2:00pm. Murray Hill Building, room 2B-432
Note: Visitors not from the MH building should use the east side entrance "stairway 9", and call Dahlia Malkhi, phone number 7809, to let them in. Since entering the MH building takes time, visitors are requested to arrive no latter than 1:45pm.
Host: Dahlia Malkhi

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Document last modified on January 26, 1999.