DIMACS Calendar: Week Of December 13 - 19, 1998
Thursday December 17, 1998
- DIMACS Special Year on Networks Seminar Series
- Speaker: Chandra Chekuri, Bell Labs, Lucent Technology
- Title: Approximating a Finite Metric by a Small Number of Trees
- Place: CoRE Building, Room 431, Rutgers University
- Time: 3:00 p.m.
Thursday December 17, 1998
- Princeton Discrete Math Seminar
- Speaker: Endre Szemeredi, Rutgers University
- Title: A hypergraph version of Dirac's theorem
- Place: Fine Hall 214, Princeton University
- Time: 1:30 p.m.
Thursday December 17, 1998
- Princeton Theory Lunch
- Speaker: David Karger, MIT
- Title: Sampling-based algorithms for computing cuts and flows in graphs: A survey
- Place Room 402, Princeton Computer Science Department, Princeton University
- Time: 12:00 noon
Friday, December 18, 1998 thru Sunday, December 20, 1998
- DIMACS-HKUST Far East Workshop on Algorithms and Combinatorics
- Location: Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong
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Document last modified on December 11, 1998.