DIMACS Mixer Series, October 28, 2003

Fall Mixer II
DIMACS Center, CoRE Building, Room 401, Rutgers University


11:10 - 11:15  Opening remarks

11:15 - 11:55  Clustering with qualitative information
               Moses Charikar, Princeton University

11:55 - 12:00  Discussion

12:00 -  1:00  Lunch

 1:00 -  1:40  Private matching and information retrieval via homomorphic encryption
               Benny Pinkas

 1:40 -  1:45  Discussion

 1:45 -  2:05  Learning DNF Formulas: the current status and how you can win $1000 
               Ryan O'Donnell 

 2:05 -  2:10  Discussion

 2:10 -  2:30  Questions regarding harmonic analysis of Boolean functions
               Guy Kindler
 2:30 -  2:35  Discussion

 2:35 -  3:00  Break

 3:00 -  3:40  Areas of Polygons from Heron of Alexandria to Dave Robbins
               Doron Zeilberger 
 3:45 -  3:50  Discussion

 3:50 -  4:00  Closing remarks

Document last modified on October 3, 2003.