Discrete Mathematics Summer Institutes for Elementary School Teachers

Discrete Mathematics Summer Institutes for Elementary School Teachers The Leadership Program in Discrete Mathematics will conduct its ninth annual summer programs in 1997 for K-8 teachers, featuring two-week residential institutes at Rutgers University, New Brunswick (NJ), during July 14-25, and two-week commuter institutes at Rutgers (June 25-July 11), and two other sites.

Participants will be expected to attend follow-up sessions during the school year and a follow-up institute during the summer of 1998. Graduate credit will be available. Teams of teachers in schools or districts are welcome to apply. Funding by the National Science Foundation provides for all costs of the institutes and a stipend of $600 for the two-week program. Participants will be expected to assume leadership roles in bringing discrete mathematics to their classrooms and schools, and in introducing their colleagues to these topics. For information, call Stephanie Micale, 908-445-4065, e-mail her at micale@dimacs.rutgers.edu or write to Leadership Program, P.O. Box 10867, New Brunswick, NJ 08906.

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Document last modified on November 1, 1996