DREI Lab and Discussion Schedule

The labs will be in the E-Quad (across Olden St.):

Discussions will be in the Elm Club Ballroom (down Olden St.)

Conference talks are in the Computer Science building.

     June  1996     		     July  1996
 S  M Tu  W Th  F  S		 S  M Tu  W Th  F  S
                   1		    1  2  3  4  5  6
 2  3  4  5  6  7  8		 7  8  9 10 11 12 13
 9 10 11 12 13 14 15		14 15 16 17 18 19 20
16 17 18 19 20 21 22		21 22 23 24 25 26 27
23 24 25 26 27 28 29		28 29 30 31

Week 1: General

Mon, June 24 1:30, CS Building Room 103:
Welcomes and orientation
Brief Tour of Computer Hardware
Introduction to Windows or Macintosh
The Internet
Discussion: Getting acquainted (all)

Tue, June 25
(no class -- Sketchpad and CBL demos)

Wed, June 26
The Internet (con't)
The Web (with digital pictures)
Where did the web come from, and where is it going? (dpd)
What should public school access policy be?
Do you, or how do you censor? (all)
Chuck's example (move this to lab page)

Thu, June 27
Lab (1:30-3:30): The Web (con't)
Talk (3:45-4:30), Room CS 105.
Discussion (4:45-5:30):
Snarfing: is this a culture we wish to foster?
What are the copyright/intellectual property issues? (all)

Fri, June 28
Lab: Information Retrieval
Is Euclid only an Avenue in Brooklyn? How do you teach proofs?

Week 2: Geometry, Visualization, Sound

Mon, July 1
Lab: Graphics
MUDS: What are they? What are the cultural implications? Opportunities? Dangers? (Hal Roberts '96)

Tue, July 2
Lab: Sound and Multimedia
Using course material in the classroom (part I)

Wed, July 3
Programming with Java
Using course material in the classroom (part II)

Week 3: Algorithms and Programming

Mon, July 8
(Recursion -- module not yet available)
Graphics and sound (dpd, ken)

Tue, July 9
Lab: What is the Center of a Triangle?
Math forum, interactions (steve)

Wed, July 10
Lab: Finding Intersections
What next; computing at home (paul)

Thu, July 11
(no class -- joint DREI/PCMI/NSF program)

Fri, July 12
Labs (as time permits):
think about Internet use from home -- see the FAQ
continuing with What is the Center of a Triangle?
continuing with Finding Intersections
(Delaunay Triangulations -- module not yet available)
(Art Gallery Problems -- module not yet available)
Absolutely everything else in the world (dpd)


$Date: 1996/07/12 15:11:09 $