A Celebration of 10 Years of DIMACS

Friday, October 9, 1998
8:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.

*** Please note change in location. ***

8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Busch Campus Center, Multipurpose Room, Busch Campus, Rutgers University

3:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
CoRE Building, Busch Campus, Rutgers University

The DIMACS Partners:
  • Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
  • Princeton University
  • AT&T Labs - Research
  • Bell Labs
  • Bellcore
  • NEC Research Institute
DIMACS is an NSF Science and Technology Center and is also supported by the New Jersey Commission on Science and Technology.

DIMACS 10th Anniversary Celebration Program:

Friday, October 9, 1998

 8:00 - 8:30    Continental Breakfast
                Multipurpose Room, Campus Center

Opening Session:

Multipurpose Room, Campus Center 8:30 - 8:35 Welcome: Fred Roberts, DIMACS Director 8:35 - 8:50 Welcome: Francis Lawrence, President of Rutgers University Jeremiah Ostriker, Provost of Princeton University

Session I: Morning Scientific Talks

Multipurpose Room, Campus Center

Session Chair: Robert Sedgewick, Princeton University, Co-Director of DIMACS

 8:50 - 9:30    Richard Karp, Professor of Science and Engineering and
                Adjunct Professor Molecular Biology, University of Washington

                "Analysis of a Strategy for Sequencing the Human Genome"

 9:30 - 9:35    Discussion

 9:35 - 10:15   Ricky Pollack, Professor of Mathematics, Courant Institute, NYU

                "Algorithms in Real Algebraic Geometry"

 10:15 - 10:20  Discussion

 10:20 - 10:50  Coffee Break

 10:50 - 11:30  Jennifer Chayes, Director of Theory Group, Microsoft Research

                "Finite-Size Scaling in Percolation and Satisfiability"

 11:30 - 11:35  Discussion

 11:45 - 1:00   Luncheon.
                Multipurpose Room, Campus Center

                Luncheon Remarks by:

                Felix Browder, Professor of Mathematics, Rutgers University, and
                   President-Elect, American Mathematical Society
                John Cherniavsky, Director, Division of Experimental and
                   Integrative Activities, National Science Foundation
                David Eater, Acting Executive Director, New Jersey
                   Commission on Science and Technology
                Joseph Seneca, Vice President for Academic Affairs, Rutgers

Session II: Panel Discussion on Academic/Industry Cooperation

Multipurpose Room, Campus Center

1:00 - 2:00     Moderators:
                Fred Roberts, Director of DIMACS, Rutgers University  
                Robert Sedgewick, Co-Director of DIMACS, Princeton University

                Alfred Aho, Associate Research Vice President,
                   Bell Labs/Lucent Technologies
                Richard DeMillo, Vice President, Information and Computer 
                   Sciences Research, Bellcore
                James Flanagan, Vice President for Research and Director
                   of the Center for Computer Aids to Industrial Productivity,
                   Rutgers University
                C. William Gear, President, NEC Research
                David Johnson, Head, Algorithms and Optimization Department,
                   AT&T Labs  

Session III: Panel Discussion on Educational Issues in Discrete Mathematics and
Theoretical Computer Science

Multipurpose Room, Campus Center

 2:00 - 3:00    Moderator: 
                Joseph Rosenstein, 
                DIMACS Associate Director for Education, Rutgers 

                Margaret (Midge) Cozzens, Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs 
                   University of Colorado, Denver
                Henry Pollak, Visiting Professor of Mathematics Education,
                   Teachers College, Columbia, and Bellcore, retired
                Stephen Maurer, Professor, Department of Mathematics and 
                   Statistics, Swarthmore College

 3:00 - 3:30    Break. Refreshments in the lobby of the CoRE Building.

Session IV: Afternoon Scientific Talks

First Floor Auditorium, CoRE Building

Session Chair: Julia Abrahams, Associate Director of DIMACS, Rutgers

 3:30 - 4:10    Pavel Pevzner, Professor, Departments of Mathematics and
                Computer Science, University of Southern California

                "Transforming Men Into Mice"

 4:10 - 4:15    Discussion

 4:15 - 4:55    Moshe Vardi, Professor and Chair, Department of Computer Science, 
                Rice University

                "Verification of Open Systems"
 4:55 - 5:00    Discussion

 5:00 - 5:40    Laszlo Lovasz, Professor of Computer Science and Mathematics,
                Yale University

                "Sampling by Markov Chains: How to Speed it Up"

 5:40 - 5:45    Discussion

 5:45           Closing Remarks

 6:00 - 7:00    Reception.
                Fourth Floor Lounge, CoRE Building

DIMACS, the Center for Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, was founded in 1988 as one of 11 NSF Science and Technology Centers and also receives support from the NJ Commission on Science and Technology. The center seeks to play a leadership role in the development, application, and dissemination of discrete mathematics and theoretical computer science by: promoting and supporting high quality research within these fields; enhancing their connections to other areas of science, the mathematical sciences, and industry; and facilitating their incorporation into classrooms at all levels.

DIMACS "Special Years": Discrete and Computational Geometry (1989-90); Complexity Theory of Interactive Computing (1990-91); Graph Theory and Algorithms (1991-92); Combinatorial Optimization (1992-93); Massively Parallel Computing (1993-94); Mathematical Support for Molecular Biology (1994-); Logic and Algorithms (1995-96); Discrete Probability (1996-); Massive Data Sets (1997-); Large Scale Discrete Optimization (1998-); Computational Intractability (1999-).

Selected DIMACS Programs: Algorithm Implementation Challenge, DIMACS Research and Education Institute (integrating research and education), Reconnect Program (reconnecting 2- and 4-year college faculty to the mathematical sciences enterprise), Leadership Program (K-12 teachers), Young Scholars (H.S. students), REU program (undergraduate research), Educational Module Series, AMS Book Series, Multi-institutional, Multi-disciplinary Research Initiatives, International Partnerships.

DIMACS Homepage
Contacting the Center
Document last modified on October 2, 1998.