DIMACS Projects:
DIMACS is the home to research projects that further scientific
progress and applications in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical
Computer Science. These projects allow collaborations among
the member institutions as well as other academic, industry,
or scientific partners.
Current Projects are:
has developed a programming
and visualization environment for discrete mathematics, graphs
and combinatorics.
- Scalable Simulations of Communications Systems.
The project is focused on research on and development
of scalable network modeling and simulation tools, and - using these tools - research
on protocols, performance analysis, and the dynamic behavior of very large networks.
This research has been partially funded by DARPA/ITO (Next Generation Internet)
and NSF/ANIR (Special Projects in Networking). For more information see the
DARPA project pages
Scalable Self-Organizing Simulations (S3)
and an overview of
NSF-funded collaborations.
DIMACS Home Page
Contacting the Center
Document last modified on May 30, 1999.