REU Summer 2007 Calendar |
Monday, June 4 | DIMACS/DIMATIA/MATH REU Program begins. dinner will be provided outside Silvers apartments at 6pm. Come for free food and to meet your fellow summer 2007 REU participants! |
Tuesday, June 5 | Orientation Dinner Time and location: 6:00pm in the DIMACS Lounge, Room 401 |
Tuesday, June 6 | Housing Orientation Time and location: 8:00pm (or when Orientation Dinner is finished) in CoRE 401 |
Thursday, June 7 | REU Seminar
Title: Origami: Elegant Mathematics and an Amazing Application Speaker: Phil Matchett Wood, Rutgers Department of Mathematics Time and location: 12 pm - 1:30 pm, CoRE 301 |
Tuesday, June 12 | REU Workshop
Topic: (click for abstract) Speaker: Scott Schneider, Rutgers University Time and location: 12 pm - 1:30 pm, CoRE 431 |
Thursday, June 14 | REU Seminar
Title: (click for abstract) Speaker: Dr. Doron Zeilberger, Rutgers Department of Mathematics Time and location: 12 pm - 1:30 pm, CoRE 431 |
Tuesday, June 19 | REU Presentations
Time and location: 12 pm - 2 pm, CoRE 431 |
Wednesday, June 20 | REU Presentations
Time and location: 12 pm - 2 pm, CoRE 431 |
Thursday, June 21 | REU Seminar
Title: The channel assignment problem models in graph theory Speaker: Daniel Král, Charles University/DIMATIA, Prague Time and location: 12 pm - 1:30 pm, CoRE 431 |
Monday, June 25 | Telcordia Visit Day
Time and location: meet in CoRE 1st floor lobby by 9:45am (click here for the Telcordia Visit Agenda) |
Thursday, June 28 | REU Seminar
Title: 1.45109 50811 60068 17464 ... 1.43633 14578 35680 96627 ... 1.50787 47553 92775 47766 ... Speaker: Dr. Stephen Greenfield, Rutgers Department of Mathematics Time and location: 12 pm - 1:30 pm, CoRE 431 |
Friday, June 29 | Board Game Night
Time and location: Pad Thai (6:30pm), then Lara's house meet at Silvers at 6:10pm if you need a ride! email Lara for more information |
Thursday, July 5 | REU Seminar
Topic: Secure Computation Speaker: Dr. Joe Kilian, Rutgers Department of Computer Science Time and location: 12 pm - 1:30 pm, CoRE 431 |
Friday, July 6 | REU Seminar
Topic: Graph-theoretical Models of the Spread and Control of Disease and of Fighting Fires Speaker: Fred Roberts, DIMACS/Rutcor Time and location: 12 pm - 1:30 pm, CoRE 431 |
Tuesday, July 10 | IBM Visit Day
Time and location: meet in CoRE 1st floor lobby by 7:45am (feel free to bring a pillow for the bus ride!) |
Wednesday, July 11 | REU Workshop
Topic: What to Expect in Prague Speaker: DIMATIA REU students Time and location: 12 pm - 1:30 pm, CoRE 431 |
Thursday, July 12 | REU Seminar
Topic: Trees and group actions Speaker: Dr. Lisa Carbone, Department of Mathematics Time and location: 12 pm - 1:30 pm, CoRE 431 |
Monday, July 16 | Baseball @ Somerset Patriots
Time and location: meet at Silvers at 6:10pm if you need a ride! email Lara for more information |
Wednesday, July 18 | REU Final Presentations
Time and location: 1 pm - 4 pm, CoRE 301 |
Thursday, July 19 | Lafayette REU Presentations
Time and location: 10 am - 11:30 am, CoRE 301 |
Thursday, July 19 | Panel on Graduate School
Speakers: Dr. Eric Allender, Department of Computer Science Dr. Dave Shanno, Rutcor Dr. Chuck Weibel, Department of Mathematics Time and location: 12 pm - 1 pm, CoRE 301 |
Thursday, July 19 | REU Final Presentations
Time and location: 1:15 pm - 4 pm, CoRE 301 |
Thursday, July 19 | Farewell Dinner
Time and location: 6 pm, CoRE 401 |
Sunday, July 22 | DIMACS/DIMATIA students depart for Prague. |
Thursday, July 26 | REU Seminar
Topic: Bijective Proofs in Partition Theory Speaker: Andrew Baxter, Rutgers Department of Mathematics Time and location: 12 pm - 1:30 pm, CoRE 431 |
Friday, July 27 | End of DIMACS REU Program |
Wednesday, August 8 | End of DIMATIA REU Program |