Rutgers University Homeland Security Research Initiative (RUHSRI) |
RUHSRI was founded in 2002 to coordinate homeland security research on all the Rutgers campuses and to take a visible, leadership role in homeland security research locally, in the State of New Jersey, and nationally. RUHSRI seeks to; make connections among faculty from different disciplines who are interested in making contributions to solving the complex, multidisciplinary problems of homeland security broadly speaking; to spread awareness of the relevant work that Rutgers faculty and students are doing across all of the Rutgers campuses and outside the University; and to connect Rutgers faculty with homeland security practitioners.
Rutgers is a major part of three Department of Homeland Security University Centers of Excellence:
Rutgers faculty are also associated with the National Center for
Food Protection and Defense (NCFPD), a DHS Center of Excellence led by
the University of Minnesota.
Rutgers' homeland security research is sponsored by a variety of other agencies, including the Environmental Protection Agency, National Institute of Justice, Department of Transportation, Department of Defense, Department of Agriculture, National Security Agency, Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity, Centers for Disease Control and Protection, and New Jersey agencies such as the Office of Homeland Security and Preparedness, NJ Department of Health and Senior Services, NJ Department of Environmental Protection, and NJ Department of Transportation, and our faculty work closely with State and local police departments, and regional agencies such as the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey.
Rutgers faculty serve on numerous advisory committees relevant to homeland security, such as the NJ Governor's Health Emergency Preparedness AdvisoryCouncil, the EPA Advisory Group, the Coast Guard Area Maritime Security Committee, the NJ Domestic Security Preparedness Planning Group, the NJ Regional Homeland Security Technology Committee, and the Preparedness College of the NJ Office of Homeland Security and Preparedness.
Rutgers faculty bring diverse perspectives to homeland security research. RUHSRI faculty represent wide-ranging areas of interest, including risk communication, transit security, behavioral responses to natural disasters, privacy-preserving information sharing, massive data analysis, evacuation planning, port security/container inspection, nuclear detection, materials development, sensor management, biosurveillance, infrastructure protection/resilience, food distribution in time of emergency, supply chain disruptions, simulation and modeling of disease events, cybersecurity, weather emergencies, impact of climate change, economic impact of terrorist events and natural disasters, to name just a few.
Rutgers is a partner in the NJ Universities Consortium for Homeland Security Research, which seeks to enhance homeland security collaborations among the State's research universities and between them and government and private sector homeland security work.
Rutgers is one of three partners in the University Center for
Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Response (UCDPER).
RUHSRI and RUHSRI-Related Symposia
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