DIMACS 2001-2005 Special Focus on Computational Information Theory and Coding
- Organizing Committee:
- Robert Calderbank, Chair, AT&T Labs, rc@research.att.com
- Chris Rose, Rutgers University, crose@liman.rutgers.edu
- Amin Shokrollahi, Digital Fountain, amin.shokrollahi@epfl.ch
- Emina Soljanin (co-chair), Bell Labs, emina@lucent.com
- Sergio Verdu, Princeton University, verdu@princeton.edu
The Special Focus is made possible by funding from:
- The National Science Foundation
- The New Jersey Commission on Science and Technology
- DIMACS' partners:
- Rutgers University
- Princeton University
- AT&T Labs - Research
- Bell Labs
- NEC Research Institute
- Telcordia Technologies
- DIMACS' Affiliate Members:
- Avaya Labs
- HP Labs
- IBM Research
- Microsoft Research
- Stevens Institute of Technology
Index of Special Focus on Computational Information Theory and Coding
DIMACS Homepage
Contacting the Center
Document last modified on January 11, 2005.