DIMACS 2002-2005 Special Focus on Computational Geometry and Applications

Organizing Committee:

Steven Fortune (chair), Bell Labs, sjf@research.bell-labs.com
Bernard Chazelle, Princeton, chazelle@cs.princeton.edu
Bill Steiger (local arrangements chair), Rutgers University, steiger@cs.rutgers.edu

Advisory Committee:

Pankaj Agarwal, Duke
Ken Clarkson, Bell Labs
David Dobkin, Princeton
Chris Hoffmann, Purdue
Joe Mitchell, SUNY Stony Brook
Joe O'Rourke, Smith
Janos Pach, CUNY
Ricky Pollack, NYU
Jarek Rossignac, Georgia Tech
Jack Snoeyink, UNC


The Special Focus is made possible by funding from:

The National Science Foundation
The New Jersey Commission on Science and Technology
DIMACS' partners:
Rutgers University
Princeton University
AT&T Labs - Research
Bell Labs
NEC Research Institute
Telcordia Technologies
DIMACS' Affiliate Members:
Avaya Labs
HP Labs
IBM Research
Microsoft Research
Stevens Institute of Technology

Up. Index of Special Focus on Computational Geometry and Applications
DIMACS Homepage
Contacting the Center
Document last modified on January 11, 2005.