We study the {\em positional eulerian path} problem motivated by PSBH.
The input to the positional eulerian path problem is an eulerian graph
$G(V,E)$ in which every edge has an associated range of integers and the
problem is to find an eulerian path $e_1, \1dots, e_{|E|}$ in $G$ such that the
range of $e_i$ contains $i$. We show that positional eulerian path problem
is NP-complete even when the maximum out-degree (in-degree) of any vertex
in the graph is 2. On the positive note we present polynomial algorithms to
solve a special case of PSBH (bounded PSBH), where the range of the allowed
positions for any edge is bounded by a constant (it corresponds to accurate
experimental measurements of positions in PSBH). Moreover, if the positions
of every $1$-tuple in an unknown DNA fragment of length $n$ are measured with
$0(\log n)$ error, then our algorithm runs in polynomial time.
We also present an estimate of the resolving power of PSBH for more realistic
case when positions are measured with $\Theta(n)$ error.
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