DIMACS TR: 2000-38

Polynomial Time Array Dataflow Analysis

Authors: Robert Seater and David Wonnacott


Array dataflow analysis is a valuable tool for supercomputer compilers. However, the worst-case time complexities for array dataflow analysis techniques are either not well understood or alarmingly high. For example, the constraint-based analysis used in the Omega Test uses a subset of the 2^2^2^O(n) language of Presburger Arithmetic for analysis of affine dependences, and its use of uninterpreted function symbols for non-affine terms introduces additional sources of complexity. Even traditional data dependence analysis in this affine domain is equivalent to integer programming, and is thus NP-complete. These worst-case complexities have raised questions about the wisdom of using array dataflow analysis in a production compiler, despite empirical data that show that various tests runs quickly in practice.

In this paper, we demonstrate that a polynomial-time algorithm can produce accurate information about the presence of loop-carried array dataflow. We first identify a subdomain of Presburger Arithmetic that can be manipulated (by the Omega Library) in polynomial time; we then describe a modification to prevent exponential blowup of the Omega Library's algorithm for manipulating function symbols. Restricting the Omega Test to these polynomial cases can, in principle, reduce the accuracy of the dataflow information produced by the Omega Test. We therefore present an investigation of the effects of our restrictions on the analysis of loop-carried array dataflow dependences in benchmark codes. The restriction to polynomial-time algorithms blocks parallelization of only three unimportant loops in the approximately 18000 lines of benchmark code we studied.

Paper Available at: ftp://dimacs.rutgers.edu/pub/dimacs/TechnicalReports/TechReports/2000/2000-38.ps.gz

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