In Section 1, we give a survey numerous applications of bipartite bihypergraphs.
In Section 2, we show that recognizing bipartite bihypergraphs within classes of $k$-complete bihypergraphs can be done in polynomial time. A bihypergraph $H = (H^0, H^1)$ is called {\em $k$-complete}, $k \ge 0$, if each $k$-subset of $V(H)$ contains a hyperedge of $H$, i.e., a hyperedge of $H^0$ or $H^1$. Moreover, we can construct all bipartitions of a $k$-complete bihypergraph, if any, in polynomial time.
A bihypergraph $H = (H^0, H^1)$ is called {\em strongly bipartite} if each maximal stable set of $H^0$ is a transversal of $H^1$. We show that recognizing strongly bipartite bihypergraphs $(H^0, H^1)$ is a co-NP-complete problem even in the case where $H^0$ is a graph and $H^1$ has exactly one hyperedge. Some examples of strongly bipartite bihypergraphs are given.
AMS Subject Classification: 05C65, 03E20, 05C75, 05B35.
Keywords: Bipartite bihypergraphs, bipartite hypergraphs,
$k$-complete bihypergraphs, satisfiability problem.
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