DIMACS TR: 2005-32
Decoding of Expander Codes at Rates Close to Capacity
Authors: Alexei Ashikhmin and Vitaly Skachek
The concatenation of nearly-MDS expander codes of Roth and Skachek, ``On
Nearly-MDS Expander Codes,'' \emph{Proc. IEEE ISIT'04,} with `typical'
LDPC codes is investigated. It is shown that for the rates
$R=(1-\varepsilon)C$ ($C$ is the capacity of the binary symmetric channel
(BSC)), under certain condition on the parameters of LDPC codes, these
concatenated codes have decoding time linear in their length and
polynomial in $1/\varepsilon$, and the decoding error probability decays
exponentially. These codes are compared to the recently presented codes
of Barg and Z\'emor, ``Error Exponents of Expander Codes,'' \emph{IEEE
Trans. Inform. Theory,} 2002, and ``Concatenated Codes: Serial and
Parallel,'' \emph{IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory,} 2005. It is shown that the
latter families can not be tuned to have all the aforementioned
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