DIMACS Technical Reports:
The DIMACS Technical Report series is intended for timely dissemination
and archival record of DIMACS-related research. The series includes
research carried out by DIMACS members, DIMACS research faculty, DIMACS
visitors, DIMACS postdocs, and DIMACS- supported graduate students, as
well as research that grew out of or was significantly influenced by
one or more authors' participation in DIMACS programs.
How to Obtain Reports
Most technical reports since 1993 are available on-line and
can be viewed or downloaded by following the links below.
Listings contain hotlinks for downloading of abstracts and
PostScript or pdf versions when available.
- Reports are also available by FTP.
Reports that are not available may be ordered by sending email to
sure to include the numbers of the reports needed and your full
Postal Address.
- Earlier DIMACS Technical Reports appear in the
(Networked Computer Science Technical Reports Library) where
they can be searched
by title, author names, or words in abstracts.
- How to Obtain DIMACS
Technical Reports by mail or FTP.
Listing by Year:
- Information for authors on Submitting
DIMACS Technical Reports.
Problems with Technical Reports?
We try to check on the accessibility of technical reports regularly,
mistakes do happen. If you have trouble obtaining reports, please send
email to
identifying the
report you had trouble with. We will try to assist you in obtaining the
Other Technical Report Servers:
DIMACS Technical Reports are also available through NCSTRL
which provides search engines for all.
Use NCSTRL for searches,
and more information.
DIMACS Homepage
the Center
Document last modified on January 16, 2011.