DIMACS Workshop on Algorithmic and Quantitative Aspects of Real Algebraic Geometry in
Mathematics and Computer Science

March 12 - 16, 2001
DIMACS Center, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ

Ricky Pollack, New York University, pollack@cims.nyu.edu
Marie-Francoise Roy, University of Rennes, mfroy@maths.univ-rennes1.fr
Micha Sharir, Tel Aviv University, sharir@math.tau.ac.il
Presented under the auspices of the Special Year on Mathematics and Foundations of Computer and Information Science.

Preliminary Program:

Monday, March 12, 2001

9:30-10:15	Breakfast and Registration

10:15-10:30	Welcome and Greeting:
		Fred S. Roberts, DIMACS Director

10:30-11:00	Patterns of Dependence Among Powers of Polynomials
                Bruce Reznik, University of Illinois

11:00-12:00	Combinatorial Characterizations of Algebraic Sets
		Isebelle Bonnard, Universite d'Angers

12:00-2:00	Lunch

2:00-3:00	Realization Problems in Geometry (distance geometry,
		matrix completion, etc.)
                Alexander Barvinok, University of Michigan
3:00-3:30	A Look at Semidefinate Programming Duality and Matrix
		Completion Problems Through Real Algebraic Geometry
		Bastiaan J. Braams, Courant Institute, NYU

3:30-4:00	Afternoon break

4:00 		Informal Discussion

Tuesday, March 13, 2001

8:30-9:30	Breakfast and Registration

9:30-10:30	What can Computational Geometry and Real Algebraic 
		Geometry Contribute to Each Other
                Micha Sharir, Tell Aviv University and NYU
10:30-11:00	Morning break

11:00-12:00	Topological and Combinatorial Complexity in Computational Geometry  
                Saugata Basu, Georgia Tech

12:00-2:00	Lunch

2:00-3:00	Enumerative Real Algebraic Geometry
                Frank Sottile, University of Massachussetts
3:00-3:30	Algorithmic Line Problems in 3-space and their
		Enumerative Geometry
		Thorsten Theobald, Technische Universitaet Muenchen
3:30-4:00	Afternoon break

4:00		Informal Discussion

6:30		Dinner
		DIMACS Lounge, Room 401

Wednesday, March 14, 2001

8:00-9:00	Breakfast and Registration

9:00-10:00	Efficient Algorithms Based on the Critical
		Point Method
                Fabrice Rouillier, INRIA Lorrainne
10:00-10:30	Polynomial Root Finding Using Iterated Eigenvalue
		Steve Fortune, Bell Labs
10:30-11:00	Morning break

11:00-12:00	Robust Algorithms in Computational Geometry.
                Chen Li, Courant Institute/NYU
12:00-2:00	Lunch

2:00-3:00	Characterization and Description of Basic Semi-
		Algebraic Sets
                Carlos Andradas, Universitad Complutense, Madrid
3:00-3:30	Computational Approaches to Representation Theorems
		for Finitely Generated Real Algebras
		Vicki Powers, Emory University
3:30-4:00	Afternoon break

4:00		Informal Discussion

Thursday, March 15, 2001

8:30-9:30	Breakfast and Registration

9:30-10:30	Minimizing Polynomial Functions
                Bernd Sturmfels, University of California at Berkeley
10:30-11:00	Coffee

11:00-12:00	Lower Bounds and Real Algebraic Geometry
                Peter Buergisser, University of Padderborn	        
12:00-2:00    	Lunch

2:00-3:00	Combinatorial Methods for Constructing Real Algebraic
                Bertrand Haas, State University of Michigan
3:00-3:30	Boosting T-Constructions
		Benoit Chevallier, Universite de Toulouse
3:30-4:00	Afternoon break

4:00 		Informal Discussion

Friday, March 16, 2001

9:00-10:00	Breakfast and Registration

10:00-11:00	Pfaffian Complexity
                Andre Gabrielov, Purdue University
11:00-11:30	Morning break

11:30-12:00	On the Number of Connected Components of the Relative
		Closure of a Semi-Pfaffian Family
		Thierry Zell, Purdue University
12:00-2:00	Lunch

2:00-2:30	Combinatorial Roadmaps in Confirguration Spaces of
		Simple Planar Polygons.
		Ileana Streinu, Smith College
2:30-3:00	How Difficult is to Compute the Open Description of an 
		Open Semialgebraic Set?
		Laureano Gonzalez-Vega, University of Cantabria, Espagne
3:00-3:30	Afternoon break

3:30 		Informal Discussion

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Document last modified on March 12, 2001.