Astrophysics and Algorithms: A DIMACS Workshop on Massive Astronomical Data Sets

Presented under the auspices of the DIMACS Special Year on Massive Data Sets.

WORKSHOP PROGRAM with links to the abstracts.

Wednesday, May 6, 1998

8:30    Breakfast/registration

9:00    Welcoming address
        Jeremiah Ostriker, Provost of Princeton University 

        Welcoming remarks
        Robert Sedgewick, Princeton University, DIMACS Special Year Chair

        Introductions, Logistics
        Michael Vogeley, Princeton University, SOC Chair

9:30    The MACHO Project
        David Bennett, University of Notre Dame

10:30   Coffee

11:00   The USNO PMM Program
        Dave Monet, U. S. Naval Observatory, Flagstaff

12:00   DSS-II and GSC-II: STScI All-Sky Image and Catalog Databases
        Barry Lasker, Space Telescope Science Institute

12:30   Lunch

2:00    The Two Micron All Sky Survey
        Carol Lonsdale, IPAC, JPL/Caltech

3:00    The FIRST Radio Survey
        Rick White, Space Telescope Science Institute

4:00    Tea

4:30    The NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database
        Barry Madore, IPAC, JPL/Caltech

5:30    Automated Galaxy Classification in Large Sky Surveys
        Steve Odewahn, Caltech

(session ends at 6:00)

6:15    Reception (drinks and hors d'oeuvres) at Prospect House
        Dinner on your own in Princeton (see Restaurant List)

Thursday, May 7, 1998

8:30    Breakfast

9:00    The Sloan Digital Sky Survey and its Science Database
        Alex Szalay, Johns Hopkins University

10:00   Mathematical Methods for Data Mining
        Helene Kulsrud, Center for Communications Research-Princeton/IDA

11:00   Coffee

11:30   Trends in High-End Computing and Storage Technologies: Implications for Astronomical Data Analysis

        Tom Prince, Caltech

12:30   Lunch

2:00    Inverse Problems in Helioseismology
        Sarbani Basu, Institute for Advanced Study

3:00    "Fast" Statistical Methods for Interpolation and Model Fitting in One-Dimensional Data
        Bill Press, Harvard University

4:00    Tea

4:30    Data Mining the Digitized Palomar Sky Survey
        George Djorgovski, Caltech

5:30    Efficient Width Computation of High-Dimensional Point Sets
        Andreas Brieden, Technische Universitaet Muenchen

6:00    Shape Finder Statistics
        Sergei Shandarin, University of Kansas

(session ends at 6:30)

Friday, May 8, 1998

8:30    Breakfast

9:00    Challenges in Analysing Future CMB Space Missions
        Francois Bouchet, Insitut d'Astrophysique, Paris

10:00   CMB and LSS Power Spectrum Analysis
        Max Tegmark, Institute for Advanced Study

11:00   Coffee

11:30   An Efficient and Stable Fast Spherical Transform Algorithm
        Dan Rockmore, Dartmouth University

12:30   Lunch

2:00    A Fast Method to Bound the CMB Likelihood Function
        Julian Borrill, Center for Particle Astrophysics, Berkeley

2:30    Gamma Ray Burst Classification Methods
        Jon Hakkila, Mankato State University

3:00    Tea

3:30    Multiscale Methods in Astronomical Image Processing, Cluster Analysis, and Information Retrieval
        Fionn Murtagh, University of Ulster

4:30    A Multiscale Vision Model and Applications to Astronomical Image and Data Analyses
        Albert Bijaoui, Observatoire de la Cote d'Azur, Nice

5:00    Analysing Very Large Data Sets From Cosmological Simulations
        Renyue Cen, Princeton University

5:30    Summary

(session and workshop end at approximately 6:00 PM)

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Document last modified on April 24, 1998.