The workshop is free and open to the scientific public. Space is limited and attendance may be limited.
Talk abstracts, up to two pages long, are solicited. The preferable format of presentation is via e-mail; ASCII abstracts are acceptable, but if you can do it, a LATEX abstract following the format of template below would be helpful to the organizers.
The authors are encouraged to make their work accessible to readers from other disciplines by including a carefully written motivation part and avoiding use of unexplained technical terms.
Deadline for submitting abstracts: September 15, 1996.
The address for submission:
TEMPLATE for ABSTRACTS DESTINED for the Mathematical Hierarchies and Biology Workshop \documentstyle[12pt]{article} \textheight 22cm \textwidth 15.2cm \topmargin-1.5cm \oddsidemargin0.6cm \evensidemargin0.6cm \pagestyle{empty} \parindent0pt \begin{document} \begin{center} {\large \bf Title Goes Here} \\[2ex] Author or authors go here. \end{center} \addvspace{5ex} Abstracts may be submitted as ASCII files if so desired. But it would be appreciated if authors submitted them as latex files following the format of this note. This is only to achieve a uniform appearance in the abstract booklet that will be distributed at the meeting. \addvspace{2ex} The second paragraph now begins. \addvspace{2ex} Third paragraph. Authors should try to limit themselves to a two page abstract. \addvspace{4ex} {\bf Keywords:} abstract, author \addvspace{3ex} \begin{center} {\small \begin{tabular}{rl} {\bf Address:} & Address of the co-author to communicate with goes here. \\ Pierre de Fermat\\ & Department of Mathematical Hierarchies\\ & City Opera\\ & 111 Mozart Av.\\ & 75007 Paris France\\ e-mail: & \end{tabular}} \end{center} \end{document}