DIMACS Conference on Linking Mathematics and Biology in the High Schools
April 29 - 30, 2005
DIMACS Center, CoRE Building, Rutgers University
- Organizers:
- Fred Roberts, DIMACS, froberts@dimacs.rutgers.edu
- Midge Cozzens, Colorado Institute of Technology, mcozzens@coloradoit.org
- Gary Benson, Bioinformatics and Biology, Boston University
Waiting Time and Seed Selection for Homology Search PowerPoint Presentation
Waiting time handout
Excel spreadsheet, computing waiting time for HHH and HHxH
Building K'NEX DNA models
- L. Charles Biehl, Charter School of Wilmington, DE
Biomathematics: Using Graph Models for High School
- Kevin DeVizia and Mark Nebzydoski, Delaware Valley High School, Milford, PA
Probability and Betweenness of Points: The Genetic Ruler
- Kathleen Gabric, Hinsdale Central High School, Hinsdale, IL
Using Bioinformatics to Make the Bio-Math Connection
- Mike Gargano (with Lorraine Lurie, Lou Quintas, Eric Wahl), Pace University
An Angiogenesis Model using Graph Theory and the Generalized Ballot Problem
- Alan Hastings, UC Davis
Quantitative Courses and Training in Mathematical Biology, particularly ecology
- Katherine G. Herbert and James H. Dyer, Montclair State University
Science Informatics at Montclair State University (Poster Presentation)
- Laurie Heyer, Mathematics, Davidson College
Bioinformatics? One Minute and One Hour at a Time
- Ben Hughes, Galileo Magnet High School
Applying Abstract Algebra and Graph Theory to Model Flu Seasons
(Under the direction of Olgamary Rivera-Marrero, Virginia Tech)
- Eric Jakobsson, Keynote Speaker, Director, NIGMS Center for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology at NIH, and Chair, NIH Biomedical Information Science and Technology Initiative Consortium
The Interdisciplinary Scientist of the 21st Century
- Linda Lundgren, Glencoe McGraw Hill
Publishing Bioinformatics in a Well Established Biology Program
- Joseph Malkevich, CUNY
Teaching Mathematical Biology in High School
- Linda Morris, Jefferson County, Colorado School District
Cross-Disciplinary High School Teacher Professional Development
- Charles Mullins, Arkansas School for Math, Sciences and Arts, Hot Springs, AR
Researching the Superstring Problem
- Robert Panoff, Shodor Education Foundation
Interactive Modeling Environments: Sources and Resources for Quantitative Reasoning in Biology
- Olgamary Rivera-Marrero and Brandilyn Stigler, Virginia Tech
Reaching the Community with Mathematical Biology (Poster Presentation)
- Christina Sartorio, Seton Catholic High School, Pittston, PA and Zachary Brady, Wyoming Area High School
Comparison of the Cytochrome Oxidase subunit I Gene in Soldier and Non-soldier Aphids
(Under the direction of Jim Kupetz, Seton Catholic High School, BMCI 2004 Participant)
- William Sofer, Genetics, Rutgers University
Learning Science/Mathematics by Doing Science/Mathematics: Genuine Research Projects for High School Students
- James Stevens, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs
A Biology and Engineering Cooperative Project
- DeWitt Sumners, Math and Molecular Biophysics, Florida State
Developing the new Biomedical Mathematics Major at Florida State University
Workshop Index
DIMACS Homepage
Contacting the Center
Document last modified on May 20, 2005.