This is a sequel to the highly successful meeting held at the Caesarea Rothschild Computer Science Institute (Haifa, January 27 - February 1, 2008) with a slightly expanded scope. Boolean and pseudo-Boolean functions are pervasive today in all areas of mathematics, computer science, operations research, various sciences and engineering. An ever increasing number and areas of applications demand new results from both structural and algorithmic points of views. The workshop aims at bringing together researchers from all walks of science to discuss the latest results and the most important open problems. The workshop will be informal in nature, providing ample opportunities for discussions and cooperation. All active researchers in this area are invited to submit contributed talks.
Peter L. Hammer Memorial Colloquium: The workshop will conclude with a Colloquium honoring the memory of Peter L. Hammer (1936-2006). The colloquium will be held at RUTCOR on Thursday, January 22, 2009, from 14:00-17:00PM, followed by a reception. Dr. Hammer initiated many of the research areas covered by this workshop. He published over 200 research papers, books and edited volumes in this area. His seminal works inspired hundreds of young researchers, and initiated entirely new research directions. In this afternoon Memorial Colloquium invited speakers will recall Dr. Hammer's contributions and report on the latest developments in his research areas.