China-US Software Workshop 2

March 5 - 8, 2012
University of San Diego, California

Yifeng Chen, Peking University, cyf at
Phil Papadopoulos, UCSD, phil at
Peter Arzberger, UCSD, parzberg at
Presented under the auspices of the Special Focus on Cybersecurity with additional support from the National Science Foundation under grant number OCI-1140394 to the University of California at San Diego.

Workshop Program:

Monday, March 5, 2012

 5:00pm         Reception @ La Jolla Shores Hotel

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

 7:45am         Bus Pickup @ La Jolla Shores Hotel

 8:15 -  8:45   Breakfast @ Faculty Club, UCSD
 8:45 -  9:15   Welcome & Re-Introductions 

 9:15 -  9:30   Expected Outcomes of This Workshop (P. Papadopoulos)

 9:30 -  9:45   Review Summary of Workshop 1 (P. Arzberger)

 9:45 - 10:00   Introductions of New Participants (5 minute presentations)

10:30 - 11:00   Coffee Break

11:00           Invited Talks Session (Yifeng Chen, Chair)

11:00 - 11:30   Invited Talk - Prof. Miron Livny, U. Wisconsin

11:30 - 12:00   Invited Talk - Dr. Scott Klasky, Oak Ridge National Laboratory

12:00 -  1:15   Lunch - Faculty Club

 1:15 -  2:15   NSF/NSFC Panel - Discussion of Plans/Programs
                Moderators: Abani Patra, Depei Qian

 2:15 -  3:30   White Paper Process - A step toward Collaborative Grants
                Conveners: Depei Qian, Manish Parashar

 3:30 -  4:00   Coffee Break

 4:00 -  5:15   White Papers - Broad Themes Breakouts
                Revisit broad themes from Workshop #1
                Identify smaller writing groups for Day 2

 5:15 -  5:30   Short Organizational Conference w/breakout group leads
                Others: read email!

 5:30           Bus Departs for Dinner @ Karl Strauss Brewhouse

 6:00           Dinner

 8:00           Bus Returns to La Jolla Shores Hotel

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

 8:00am         Bus Pickup @ La Jolla Shores Hotel

 8:30 -  9:00   Breakfast @ Faculty Club, UCSD
 9:00           Start of Day 2 - Theme: Focusing on Details

 9:00 -  9:30   Review of Previous Day
                Reports from Breakout groups
                Defining Smaller White Paper Writing Teams

 9:30 - 10:30   Breakout Group Assignments
                Identify and Suggest "Norms for Collaboration"
                Address some critical aspects of NSF/NSFC Proposals
                Planning/Writing collaborative White Papers
                Tangible Next steps
                (visits?, virtual meetings? @ other conferences?)

10:30 - 11:00   Coffee Break

11:00 - 12:00   Break Groups Continue

12:00 - 12:30   Report Back from Breakout Groups

12:30 -  1:30   Lunch - Faculty Club

 1:30 -  2:30   Plenary Discussion
                Further Organizational Support Required?
                From breakout discussions - what else should we address

 2:30 -  3:30   Breakout Groups Continue

 3:30 -  4:00   Coffee Break

 4:00 -  5:00   Wrap-up session
                List Concrete plans among groups
                Homework Assignments

 5:00 -  5:15   Workshop Ends

 5:15           Bus Departs to Hotel

 5:45           Walk from Hotel to Dinner

 6:00pm         Dinner @ Piatti's in La Jolla

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Document last modified on November 4, 2014.