Registration Form

Second US-China Computer Science Leadership Summit

July 11,2008

Arlington, Virgina

Please register by filling out the following blanks.

When finished and you have checked the correctness of information, press the "send" button at the bottom of the form.

This meeting is by invitation only.

            Your First Name: 
            Your last Name:  

Your Position: (Please select best choice with button.)
Your Postal Address: (This information will be used for nametags & mailing lists) Name of organization: (University or Company Name)
Organization Type: (Please select best choice with button.) Department: Street Address: City, State, Zip Code: Country:
Phone: Fax: E-Mail: Web page URL:
Please indicate which functions you will be attending: 1. Registering for meeting attendance only, no food or beverages. 2. Registering for meeting attendance with breakfast, lunch, and breaks. 3. Registering for meeting attendance with breakfast, lunch, breaks, and banquet.
Comments: (i.e. dietary restrictions)

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