DIMACS Workshop on Combinatorial Number Theory: Participation

February 5 - 9, 1996

The past few decades have seen an explosion in interconnections between combinatorics, number theory and computer science, with many of the developments having important applications. While there have been many workshops and conferences focusing on the first and third members of this triad, Combinatorial Number Theory has not so far received the attention it deserves. The goal of this workshop is to bring together many of the international leaders in this field, who will present talks on the main lines and latest developments of our subject. The schedule will be desinged to leave a fair amount of time for informal interactions among the participants.

Topics treated will include, but are not limited to:

  1. Multiplicative problems, divisors and applications
  2. Linear additive problems
  3. Probabilistic methods, pseudorandom sequences
  4. Combinatorial aspects of algorithmic number theory and vice versa
The Organizing Committee:
Carl Pomerance (Chair), carl@ada.math.uga.edu
Jeffrey Lagarias (contact person at DIMACs), jcl@research.att.com
Ronald L. Graham, rlg@research.att.com
Melvyn B. Nathanson, nathansn@dimacs.rutgers.edu
Jean-Louis Nicolas, jlnicola@frcpn11.in2p3.fr
Andras Sarkozy, sarkozy@cs.elte.hu
Endre Szemeredi, szemered@cs.rutgers.edu
Requests for talks/papers/software demos,etc...

If you would like to participate in this workshop, please email

Carl Pomerance

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Document last modified on November 2, 1998.