DIMACS Workshop on Computational Biology as part of the 50th Anniversary for ENIAC

May 17-19, 1996
Princeton University

Conference Organizer:
Tandy Warnow
Department of Computer and Information Science
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA 19105-6389

Program Committee:
Craig Benham (Mt. Sinai)
Sue Davidson (Penn)
Warren Ewens (Penn)
Martin Farach (Rutgers University)
Sampath Kannan (Penn)
Tandy Warnow (Penn)

The University of Pennsylvania Conference on
Computational Molecular Biology
to honor the 50th anniversary of the ENIAC

MAY 17-19, 1996

sponsored by:

The University of Pennsylvania Training Program in Computational Biology,

DIMACS - The NSF Center for Discrete Mathematics and Computer Science,

and the National Science Foundation.

HISTORICAL NOTE: The University of Pennsylvania Training Program in Computational Biology and DIMACS are pleased to jointly host this conference on computational biology, as part of the ENIAC Symposium. This conference will be one of the activities in the Commemorative Technical and Historical Symposium on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Moore School Lectures. The Moore School Lectures were held during the summer of 1946 to bring together the leading specialists in high-speed digital computation, in order to lay the foundation for the yet to be defined fields of computer engineering and computer science. With this symposium, we again hope to assemble researchers in current computer science disciplines to advance the state of the field. On this occasion, we also invite historians of technology and computing, in order to understand the past, so that we may proceed more knowingly into the future.

ABOUT THE CONFERENCE: The conference will have invited and contributed talks, and will be based around sessions focusing on important research areas within the field. There will be ample time allocated for discussions and interactions among biologists, computer scientists and mathematicians.

This year's special research topics will include: Structure Prediction, Tandem Repeats, Databases, Sequencing and Mapping, and Genome Rearrangements. There also will be a special session on interdisciplinary education in computational biology, in which directors and students in various training programs throughout the country will participate.

Invited Speakers include:
Craig Benham (Biomathematics, Mt. Sinai School of Medicine),
Gary Benson (Biomathematics, Mt. Sinai School of Medicine),
Bonnie Berger (Math, MIT),
Susan Davidson (CIS, Penn),
Sampath Kannan (CIS, Penn),
Rob Lipschutz (Affymetrix),
Josh Lederberg (Rockefeller),
Pavel Pevzner (Math, USC), and
Jeanette Schmidt (Brooklyn Polytechnic University)
Peter Shor (AT&T)
Michael Waterman (Math and Molecular Biology, USC).
REGISTRATION: A registration form is appended at the end of this announcement. Participants should submit their registration applications by e-mail, using this form, to Sandy Barbu at barbu@cs.princeton.edu. There is no charge for registering, but registration will be limited to 150 applicants.

GRADUATE STUDENTS AND POSTDOCS: Funds are available to partly defray the costs of attending this conference for graduate students and postdocs. Please arrange for a letter of recommendation to be sent by your advisor or other appropriate senior scientist. Students and postdocs will also be expected to participate either by giving a contributed talk or presenting a poster.

DISCUSSANT AWARDS: Awards to help cover travel to the conference are available, primarily for biologists. All recipients of these awards are expected to participate either through a poster or through a contributed talk. To apply for a discussant award, please send a CV and a letter describing your intended contribution to the Conference Organizer (See information below). Awards will be announced by mid-April.

APPLICATION PROCEDURE: To apply for a discussant or travel award, please send a vita, a one page abstract of a poster of contributed talk, and a letter of recommendation to the Conference Organizer (see below).

BANQUET: A banquet will be held Friday evening at the University of Pennsylvania as part of the ENIAC celebration. This will include a distinguished lecture on the History of Science. There will be a moderate charge for the banquet, reduced for students. Transportation to Penn and back will be provided.

PROCEEDINGS: A proceedings will be published.

SUBMISSIONS: We are limiting the contributed talks so as to leave sufficient time for general and technical discussion. However, we will have a poster session as part of the wine and cheese reception Saturday evening. If you are interested in contributing either a short talk or a poster, please send a short abstract by April 1, 1996 to the Conference Organizer. Selection of posters and contributed talks will be made and announced by April 20, 1996. Simultaneous submission to conferences or journals is acceptable.

LOCATION: Nassau Inn, Princeton, New Jersey, and the Computer Science Building of Princeton University, located at 35 Olden Street.

Next: Call for Participation
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Document last modified on April 13, 1998.