DIMACS Workshop on Constraint Programming and Large Scale Optimization

September 14 - 17, 1998
DIMACS Center, CoRE Building, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ

Eugene C. Freuder, University of New Hampshire, Computer Science Department, ecf@cs.unh.edu
Richard J. Wallace, University of New Hampshire, Computer Science Department, rjw@cs.unh.edu
Presented under the auspices of the DIMACS Special Year on Large Scale Discrete Optimization.

Call for Participation:

We solicit applications for attendance in three categories:

Author: Someone who wishes to submit and present a paper. Papers may be new basic research, or tutorials, surveys, syntheses, critiques, case studies, applications.

Facilitator: Someone who wishes to attend and organize an activity, such as a panel, demonstration, debate, discussion, benchmark competition.

Participant: There may be openings for applicants who just wish to attend and participate in the discussion.

For planning purposes we would greatly appreciate non-binding expressions of interest be sent immediately to cop@cs.unh.edu, indicating which category of attendee you would expect to be, with "interest" in the subject line.

Formal requests for attendance will consist of an e-mail sent to cop@cs.unh.edu by July 8 with either "author", "facilitator" or "participant" in the subject line. Begin your message with your full contact information, including web page if available. For multiple authors, indicate which author(s) plan to attend. Include a one page abstract of your paper or activity.

Some financial assistance for graduate student attendance will be available; those who require such assistance in order to attend should indicate the amount required and provide contact information for their advisor at the beginning of their attendance request.

Ample time will be allowed for discussion. Guest speakers are planned.


Full papers will be due in hardcopy and electronic format form by August 12. An informal proceedings will be available. A formal, refereed volume in the AMS-DIMACS Series is planned. Authors will be expected to submit revised papers for this volume by November 2.

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Document last modified on May 20, 1998.