The DNA Barcode Data Analysis Initiative (DBDAI): Data Analysis Working Group

DIMACS is collaborating with the Consortium for the Barcode of Life on data analysis issues arising from efforts to explore and develop the potential of DNA barcoding to become a tool for taxonomic research and for applications of species-level data to applied problems such as conservation, crop protection and sustainable development.

How can I find out more about the barcode initiative? Two brochures (pdf format) provide a general overview of DNA barcoding: Barcoding Life: Ten Reasons and Barcoding Life, Illustrated. To learn more about DNA barcoding, please visit the websites for the Consortium for the Barcode of Life (CBOL; and the Guelph Centre for DNA Barcoding ( These sites provide links to scientific publications on barcoding as well as guidance to barcoding projects.

For an overview of the data analysis barcode initiative: Overview

A Data Analysis Working Group (DAWG) has been formed and DIMACS is collaborating with that group to identify research challenges in barcoding that involve problems of statistics and computer science.

Some Related Activities:


Research Challenge Competition:

Other Workshops
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Document last modified on May 31, 2007.