LAMSADE Cost Action Workshop Website
Participation in the workshop is by invitation only. If you are interested please go to the Lamsade website and fill in the registration form. PhD students interested in attending the tutorials and the workshop are especially welcome. They also should fill in the registration. Invitees who wish to present a paper should submit an extended abstract no later than June 1, 2008. All abstracts will be available on this web site. As for the previous workshop that DIMACS and LAMSADE sponsored, we will consider editing a special issue of papers on the workshop's subject. We are also planning to provide all preliminary versions of the full papers for the workshop in the form of a volume of Annals of LAMSADE. For that purpose we need such preliminary versions no later than September 15, 2008. For reasons of organization we would really appreciate it if everybody can confirm their participation by the end of September 2008 .
Date and deadlines
Submission of preliminary version of full papers June 1, 2008 Submission of full papers for preliminary proceedings September 15, 2008 Confirmation October 1, 2008 COST Working Groups October 28, 2008 Tutorials October 29, 2008 Workshop October 30-31, 2008
No fees are required, either for speakers nor for participants.