DARPA Workshop on State-Dependent Delays in Regulatory Networks
March 2 - 3, 2006
DIMACS Center, CoRE Building, Rutgers University
- Organizers:
- Tim Buchman, Washington University, buchman@wustl.edu
- Jon Lorsch, John Hopkins University, jlorsch@jhmi.edu
- Konstantin Mischaikow, Georgia Institute of Technology, mischaik@math.gatech.edu
This workshop is an integral part of the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency's (DARPA) Fundamental Laws of Biology program and is presented under the auspices of the DIMACS/BioMaPS/MB
Center Special Focus on Information Processing in Biology.
This special focus is jointly sponsored by
the Center for Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science (DIMACS),
the Biological, Mathematical, and Physical Sciences Interfaces Institute for Quantitative Biology (BioMaPS),
and the Rutgers Center for Molecular Biophysics and Biophysical Chemistry (MB Center).
Call for Participation:
Registration is limited. Persons who wish to attend should contact one of
the organizers.
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Document last modified on November 28, 2005.