DIMACS/CCICADA/DHS Student Conference on Discrete Mathematics: One Way to Exciting Careers in Homeland Security

July 15, 2011
CoRE Auditorium, CoRE Building, Rutgers University

Robert Hochberg, Discrete Teaching, hochberg at discreteteaching.com
Valerie DeBellis, Discrete Teaching, debellis at discreteteaching.com
Tami Carpenter, DIMACS/CCICADA, tcar at dimacs.rutgers.edu
Gene Fiorini, DIMACS/CCICADA, gfiorini at dimacs.rutgers.edu

This conference is hosted by CCICADA and DIMACS and supported by grant #HSHQDC-10-C-00175 from the Department of Homeland Security, Office of University Programs.

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Document last modified on August 24, 2011.