DIMACS Workshop on Statistical Analysis of Network Dynamics and Interactions

November 7 - 8, 2013
DIMACS Center, CoRE Building, Rutgers University

Edo Airoldi, Harvard University
Andrea Collevecchio, University Ca' Foscari- Venice and Monash University
Xiaodong Lin, Rutgers University, lin at business.rutgers.edu
Presented under the auspices of the DIMACS Special Focus on Information Sharing and Dynamic Data Analysis.

Workshop Program:

Thursday, November 7, 2013
 8:30 -  9:00  Breakfast and Registration

 9:00 -  9:10  Welcome

 9:10 -  9:45  Change Point Inference for Time-varying Erdos-Renyi Graphs
               George Michailidis, University of Michigan 

 9:45 - 10:20  Local and Non-local Preferential Attachment Models
               Shankar Bhamidi, UNC Chapel Hill

10:20 - 10:40  Break

10:40 - 11:15  Measuring Tie Strength in Implicit Social Networks
               Tina Eliassi-Rad, Rutgers University

11:15 - 11:50  Estimation of Exponential Random Graph Models for Large Social Networks via Graph Limits
               Tian Zheng, Columbia University

11:50 -  1:20  Lunch and Poster Session

 1:20 -  1:30  Director's Welcome 
               Rebecca Wright, Director of DIMACS		

 1:30 -  2:05  Graph Models and Scalable Analytics
               Spiros Papadimitriou, Rutgers University

 2:05 -  2:40  The Dynamics of Dissemination on Graphs: Theory and Algorithms
               Hanghang Tong, CUNY

 2:40 -  3:00  Break
 3:00 -  3:35  Large-Scale Graph Analysis Using Giraph
               Jonathan Chang, Facebook

 3:35 -  4:10  Real Time Processing of Graphical Models in Education
               George Davis, Knewton

 4:30          Dinner 
Friday, November 8, 2013

 8:30 -  9:00  Breakfast and Registration

 9:00 - 10:00  Keynote: Learning Non-linear Non-Gaussian Bayesian Networks Via Siri
               Jun Liu, Harvard University

10:00 - 10:20  Break

10:20 - 10:55  Nonparametric Graph Estimation
               Han Liu, Princeton University

10:55 - 11:30  Characterizing Individual Behavior from Interaction History
               Patrick Perry, NYU

11:30 - 12:05  Contrasted Penalized Integrative Analysis
               Shuangge Ma, Yale University

12:05 -  1:30  Lunch 

 1:30 -  2:30  Keynote: Dynamics and Large-Scale  Structure in Networks
               Mark Newman, University of Michigan

 2:30 -  2:50  Break

 2:50 -  3:25  Generalized Preferential Attachment Models
               Andrea Collevecchio, University Ca' Foscari- Venice and Monash

 3:25 -  4:00  Connection Times in Large Ad-hoc Mobile Networks
               Gabriel Faraud, WIAS Berlin



     Local Structural Features Threaten Privacy across Social Networks
     Priya Govindan, Rutgers University

     Big Data - Small Mammals: Analyzing Social Networks of Naked Mole Rats
     Susan P. Imberman, College of Staten Island and the Graduate Center at CUNY

     A Guide to Selecting a Network Similarity Method
     Sucheta Soundarajan, Rutgers University

     Methods and Lessons Learned from Mining the Wikipedia corpus (2001-2010)
     Wei Wutao, Purdue University

     Towards Robust Device-Free Passive Localization Through Automatic Camera-Assisted Recalibration
     Chenren Xu, Rutgers University

     Low Expected Latency Routing in Dynamic Networks
     Feng Yu, the Graduate Center at CUNY

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Document last modified on November 6, 2013.