DIMACS Workshop Registration Form

The DIMACS Conference Center at Rutgers can accommodate about 100 participants. Princeton can accommodate approximately the same numbers. Subject to capacity constraints, the workshop is open to all researchers. If possible, please pre-register, March 15, 1997, although registration at the conference is permitted. There are no registration fees for programs through the end of 1996; Starting in January 1997, small fees will be charged.
         Workshop on Economics, Game Theory, and the Internet 

                          April 18-19 1997

Name:  ....................................................

Title:  ...................................................

Affiliation:  ............................................. 

Address:  .................................................



Country: ..................................................

Phone:  ...................................................

Fax:  .....................................................

Email:  ...................................................

Special needs: ............................................

To help us improve publicity and to gather information requested by
sponsors, please answer the following:

Is your position primarily:

Student: __   Faculty: __  Researcher: __  

Is your home institution:

University: __  Corporate Lab: __  Government Lab: __  

Other (Please describe):. .......................................

How did you hear about this workshop: ...........................

To register, please email this form to Pat Pravato, pravato@dimacs.rutgers.edu, or send it by postal mail to:
Workshop Coordinator
P.O. Box 1179
Rutgers University
Piscataway, NJ 08855-1179 USA

Previous: Registration
DIMACS Homepage
For workshop matters, send mail to: pravato@dimacs.rutgers.edu

Contacting the Center: http://dimacs.rutgers.edu/People/Staff.html
Document last modified on November 8, 1996.