DIMACS Miniworkshop on Algorithms and Energy

May 21, 2010
DIMACS Center, CoRE Building, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ

Komandur Krishnan, Telcordia, krk at research.telcordia.com
Linda Ness, Telcordia, lness at telcordia.com
Tom Reddington, Bell Labs, treddington at bell-labs.com
Fred Roberts, DIMACS, froberts at dimacs.rutgers.edu
Emina Soljanin, Bell Labs, Emina at research.bell-labs.com
Lisa Zhang, Bell Labs, ylz at research.bell-labs.com
Presented under the auspices of the Special Focus on Discrete Random Systems.

There is a long tradition of using methods from computer science, mathematics, statistics, and operations research in planning energy supply and use. At DIMACS, a 1989 workshop dealt with reliability of electric power networks, a 1999 workshop studied algorithmic problems arising from next generation unit commitment models in electric power generation, and a special focus on Large Scale Discrete Optimization included analysis of energy systems. The complexity and interconnectedness of our energy systems call for the development of new and more powerful algorithmic methods for dealing with complex systems, optimizing supply, getting early warning of problems, and dealing with massive amounts of data. This miniworkshop will explore algorithmic challenges in designing, operating, investing in, and monitoring modern energy systems.

Presentations will be informal, there will be lots of time for discussion, and we aim to use this miniworkshop to begin to plan subsequent activities at DIMACS.

Among the topics to be considered:

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Document last modified on March 9, 2010.